Let us do your Transparency Reporting for you.

Oh, and your other compliance stuff too!

We know a thing or two about reporting so you don’t have to!

Fully Managed Transparency Reporting

Transparency reporting is a necessary evil for life science organizations often managed in one of two ways. One, you put the responsibility on someone who doesn’t really know what they are doing and it isn’t really part of their job description. That could be finance, an administrative assistant or someone in compliance. The report(s) get submitted and they do the best they can but there is minimal confidence on the accuracy. This person probably “HATES” this part of their job. Or, two, you hire someone who does this and it is $$$. This person does a great job but you are paying a lot of money for someone to submit reports while more proactive compliance needs pile up. This is where our “done for you” services come into play. We give you the experience of a reporting expert at the fraction of the cost of a FTE while managing all aspects of the day to day of a reporting program. We use whatever tool you have on your behalf and also do your submissions for you!

One Time Transparency Reporting Service

If you only submit a few hundred transactions a year there is no need to spend money on expensive tools and services. We provide you templates to get the data and will use the TracedData’s EASY Report tool on your behalf to create and submit your CMS open payments (sunshine act) and state reports for you for a cost that you can’t say no to.

Compliance Solution Implementations

When you have thousand and thousands of transactions that need submission across multiple jurisdictions, you should be investing into your technology stacks. From Transparency Reporting tools, to HCP Engagement solutions, we are here to help ensure these applications meet your needs, your budget and ultimately, your business.

Training, Policies, Procedures

Behind any good Transparency Reporting program is an even better Training program. But you can’t train if you haven’t defined your companies expectations. Be it Concur data capture, company wide Sunshine Act and global jurisdiction requirements or Finance vendor onboarding, having well defined policies and procedures leads to a good training program. By doing this, you minimize the chances of missed transactions. We have created hundreds of documents to support our client’s and we know a thing or two about creating engaging short form content to get the point across!

Transparency Reporting, doesn’t have to be difficult.

A stress free reporting season is one call away.