TracedData’s EASY Report. The easiest Transparency Reporting tool EVER!

Seriously, we built it for ourselves!

Stop paying $20k, $40k, $100k for a tool you use once a year.

Who we are built for?

If you are a life science company who submits less than 3,500 records to CMS Open Payments for the sunshine act, we are 100% for you. (That is like, 75% of you guys). If you are doing reporting manually with vlookups and trying to convert excel sheets, we are 100% for you. If you use your tool only in the month of February and March, you guessed it, we got you! HOWEVER, If you are submitting more than 10,000 transactions a year, running analytics (that you actually look at……) out of your reporting tool, need or think you need all these automated integrations we are probably not the right solution. BUT we can help introduce you to those that are and we can manage it for you! (See our services!)

What makes our solution the “easiest”?

It is simple, honestly. We built this tool two years ago for our own internal use when providing services for our smaller clients. We built it with one purpose and one purpose only. Create the CMS Open Payments reports as quickly as possible with the least amount of friction and the most amount data “transparency” (pun intended). And that’s exactly what we did. It is literally as easy has loading an excel file in and getting your report out. We provide templates if you need them (an easy template and a complete template depending on your business) or you can use your own files. When you provide your data, you get a detailed 360 degree data summary of what is reportable, what is not reportable and data with quality issues. This is a guesswork free solution. We are so confident it is the easiest tool on the market that we called it TracedData’s EASY Report.

So, what’s it cost?

Don’t you hate it when you have to go through six calls and 2 demo’s before you find out the price is way out of any realm of possibility? Ya, me too. So here, you go. The shut up and leave me alone price is $5,000. Yes, you read that correctly and no, I am not missing a “0”. (and no we won’t actually leave you alone, we are here to help but you get my point). There are a few “service” variables that can make the price change down or up from there. If you have almost no transactions, no we won’t charge you that. If you want us to interface with the business, collect all the data across the different departments, provide data collection training and best practices, submit the reports on your behalf etc. the price will go up. I think you get the picture!

Wait, what about implementation fee’s?

$0, Nada, Zilch, Nothing. These don’t exist in our vocabulary. Getting you set up on the TracedData EASY Report platform takes minimal “implementation” time. We are just happy you are part of the team and see no need to charge you for that!

Transparency Reporting, doesn’t have to be difficult. That’s why we made EASY Report!

A stress free reporting season is one call away.